Water Walk Around Oxford

Kevin Grecksch
Event date
Event time
18:30 - 20:30
Oxford University Museum of Natural History
Parks Road
Event type
Event cost
Disabled access?
Booking required

Join Researcher Kevin Grecksch on a water-themed stroll around Oxford to explore global and local water-related challenges.

Consider your relationship with fresh water as you walk around the city. The walk is suitable for all ages, with a slow to average pace and the opportunity to sit down at certain stops. Sturdy shoes are recommended but not a must.

Start (18:30): Museum of Natural History Front Lawn
Stop 1: Radcliffe Meteorological Station
Stop 2: Port Meadow
Stop 3: River Thames
Stop 4: Isis Lock/End of Oxford Canal
Stop 5: Ashmolean Museum exterior
End (20:30): Museum of Natural History

About the Researcher:
Kevin Grecksch is a social scientist who specialises in normative and analytical aspects of governance, especially with regard to water and climate change adaptation. His research interests include (multilevel) environmental governance, water governance, climate change adaptation, governance of societal transformation processes, property rights and the governance of natural resources, sustainability and ecological economics. Kevin has a particular interest in why and how power relationships, institutions and knowledge shape the governance of water and climate change.