
Oxford University is world-famous for research excellence. Our core commitment is to maintain originality, significance and rigour in research within a framework of the highest standards of infrastructure, training, and integrity.

Search below for a range of research stories by department or topic. These stories include impact case studies, videos, news and the research in conversation series. For more information please see individual department websites.

Classroom 300

Closing the attainment gaps


The research shows pupils from most ethnic minority groups are now on average achieving GCSE results that are as good as or better than their white British peers.

Fighting cancer

Fighting cancer


Prof Eleanor Stride and her team are fighting cancer, one bubble at a time, the new technology she is researching means that drugs can find the exact point of the tumour to fight the disease.

Study highlights important role played by grandparents.

Support from grandparents linked with lower levels of obesity in children


According to the study, published in Pediatric Obesity, emotional support from grandparents may have a preventative effect against child obesity, even with the presence of other risk factors.

Designing a ‘base paint’ to fight cancer

Designing a ‘base paint’ to fight cancer


Immunocore is harnessing the body’s own immune cells to fight cancer. The biotechnology underpinning Immunocore is based on the science of founder Dr Bent Jakobsen, who led his own research team at Oxford’s Institute of Molecular Medicine until 2000.

Study shows decline in church weddings.

Just one in three weddings in England and Wales has a religious ceremony


Oxford University demographer John Haskey has charted the history of marriage since early Victorian times by analysing datasets looking at the manner of solemnisation and denomination in England and Wales.

Crowded street in London.

More 'constructive' thinking needed on migrant welfare benefits?


Study author Professor Martin Seeleib-Kaiser, from the Oxford Institute of Social Policy, says one solution could be to set up an EU fund for helping local authorities most affected by immigration.

From map of visualisation of internet use by OII

Where do most of the internet users live?


On the map, the size of each country is based on the absolute number of its internet users, while keeping the countries’ and continents’ shapes close to their true shape.

Midday Meal Scheme in India.

Wasting of Indian children in the recession 'linked to food price spikes'


The researchers examined the proportion of children who experienced 'wasting', a widely used measure of malnutrition that shows a child has a lower than expected weight given their height (based on World Health Organization standards).

Smart Handpumps are installed in test sites in rural Kenya.

RCUK highlights Oxford's 'innovative' smart handpumps project


The Research Councils UK is showcasing an Oxford University project which uses mobile phone technology to transmit data on handpump use in rural Kenya. 
London rooftops

Complex leases 'a major reason for cold, damp flats'


The Future-proofing Flats report identifies that one particular category of flats, older houses that have been converted into private flats, as the least energy efficient with the highest levels of damp.

Children's centres at risk of losing their welcoming open access services?

Children's centres 'popular but under pressure to deliver more with less’


The research, commissioned by the UK Government’s Department for Education, suggests that while children’s centres continue to be popular, almost half of the staff are dealing with families 'on social workers' books' who have complex needs and are increasingly the focus of their work.

Supporting police reform in Nigeria

Supporting police reform in Nigeria


Dr Oliver Owen’s five-year fieldwork study within the Nigerian Police Force is providing unique research evidence for reforms aimed at improving police performance, effectiveness and accountability.

The film changing lives in the Indian Himalayas

The film changing lives in the Indian Himalayas


Dr Jane Dyson’s documentary on the challenges facing young people in the Indian Himalayas has reached school children, students and policymakers worldwide.

Turning orange into grapefruit

Turning orange into grapefruit

Impact case study

Research in the Department of Chemistry into the action of natural enzymes is finding a commercial application in the global flavours and fragrances market.
Voice analysis for everyone: health monitoring by phone

Voice analysis for everyone: health monitoring by phone


Dr Ladan Baghai-Ravary is developing a fully automatic system to record and analyse speech, using existing telephone lines. This could lead to dramatic changes in the treatment of patients with speech disorders around the world, especially where smartphones might not be affordable or convenient.

News accessed from smartphones has jumped significantly over the last year.

Mobile users ‘resist use of ads’ in news


The report finds that many news brands are struggling to cut through on mobile with access to content increasingly mediated by third-parties such as Facebook, Apple and Google.

Newborn with mother.

Study pinpoints what part genes play in the age of first-time mums


The research was carried out by an international team working on the Sociogenome project, led by the University of Oxford and funded by the European Research Council.

Long delays in resolving immigration cases found to leave many children destitute.

Children in poverty due to UK government’s ‘dysfunctional system’


It finds that changes by central government to immigration and welfare benefits under the ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy have left local authorities with a duty of care to safeguard children when their parents are precluded from working or accessing benefits.


Professor Alison Etheridge

Randomness and order

Stepping into Professor Alison Etheridge’s office in the Peter Medawar Building at the east end of South Parks Road, you might be surprised to hear that the focus of her work is randomness. Neat piles of paper sit on the table; tidy rows of books line the shelves. Everything seems very well ordered indeed.
GENEVA - NOVEMBER 30: Antoine Marguier conducts the United Nations Orchestra rehearsal at the Victoria Hall November 30, 2013 in Geneva, Switzerland. The concert supports PVA-Geneva work in Cameroon.

Professor Jonathan Cross

Randomness and order

This series grew out of The Oxford Research Centre in the Humanities (TORCH) conference ‘Randomness and Order’, at which academics in the fields of quantum physics, music, probability
