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Theodor Heuss Research Fellowship

Applications are invited from members of the University of Oxford for the Theodor Heuss Research Fellowship. The successful candidate will undertake research in a field of their choice at any university or research institution in Germany.

Award information

The Fellowship is financed, through the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, by a gift from the former President of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Award details

Duration:Usually one year, however may be extended for a second year at the discretion of the Stiftung
Value:The holder of the Fellowship will receive a monthly maintenance grant of currently 1,400 EUR (doctoral students) or 2,700 EUR (postdocs). Furthermore, a mobility allowance and a subsidy towards the costs of medical and liability insurance are part of the regular fellowship benefits. Additional payments are provided to cover travel expenses, and all university or institution fees will be paid on the Fellow’s behalf (he or she may have to pay a compulsory Students’ Union fee). Family benefits can be applied for in case of accompanying family members.
Number:One award


Nationality:All nationalities, however preference will be given to those who have not already enjoyed an extended period of schooling or education in Germany
Fee status:All
Level of study:Graduate (normally advanced doctoral or postdoctoral students)
Year of study:All years
Subject:All subjects
College:All colleges
Other criteria:

Candidates should normally be registered for a doctoral degree at the University of Oxford at the time of application. Applications will also be considered from those who have completed an Oxford doctoral degree within the last 12 months and have embarked on a post-doctoral research project at Oxford.

Candidates will normally be expected to show a reasonable proficiency in the use of the German language, but a further grant may be made available to candidates who do not have a good knowledge of German, to enable them to attend a language course in Germany before the beginning of their stay.

Candidates’ proposed programmes of research must be such that they can best be carried out at a German university or other institution of higher learning. Successful candidates will be those whose studies and personal development have most to gain from a period of study or research in Germany.

Applicants are required to contact a possible supervisor at the host institution/university before submitting their application (applicants will be required to evidence this).

Other information

The Fellowship is not tenable concurrently with any other significant travelling award, and it should be noted that the Fellowship does not include the payment of any Oxford fees for which the Fellow may be liable whilst in Germany. Candidates who hold Research Council studentships may however apply for suspension of their awards and suspension of status to enable them to take up the Fellowship if selected.

Interviews for short-listed candidates will take place on Monday, week 9 of Hilary Term. Applications from candidates who are unable to attend an interview on this date cannot be accepted.

Candidates will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • the excellence of their academic career and performance to date
  • the coherence, interest and feasibility of their project or proposed programme of study and their qualifications for that programme; and, for candidates embarked on a research degree, their likely contribution to the subject
  • the value of a stay at a German university for their career plans and/or research project.

How to apply

  1. The application cycle for travel in the 2025/26 academic year is now closed.
  2. Interviews for short-listed candidates will take place on Monday 17 March. Applications from candidates who are unable to attend an interview on this date cannot be accepted.
  3. Candidates will be notified of the outcome of their application by the end of March 2025.
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