Credit: Greg Smolonski
Statement on student society withdrawal of Amber Rudd speaking invitation
University of Oxford statement on the withdrawal of an invitation to former Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, by a student society:
The University of Oxford strongly disapproves of the decision by the UNWomen Oxford UK Society to disinvite Amber Rudd after she had been invited to speak at a student event.
Amber Rudd had stated that she was prepared to discuss issues arising from her time in the Home Office and she should have been given the opportunity to do so.
The University is strongly committed to freedom of speech and opposes no-platforming. We encourage our students to debate and engage with a range of views, and to treat others with the courtesy and dignity that they would expect themselves.
We will be making the University’s position and feelings very clear to the event organisers and taking necessary steps to ensure that this cannot be repeated.