External funding
Alongside Oxford funding, there are many other funding options available. This page aims to provide a summary of the resources and external funding that may be available to you.
External scholarships
A summary of external scholarships and search facilities is provided below. These are managed by organisations external to Oxford, therefore various application processes and closing dates will apply. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant organisation directly.
Search Facilities
Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding - A database of funding opportunities from charities and voluntary organisations.
European Funding Guide - A search facility for scholarships and grants for European students.
The Grants Register 2024 (Hard copy only) - Information on a variety of scholarships, fellowships and research grants, professional and vocational grants. The University holds a reference copy and the British Council Office in your country may also keep a copy.
Oxford University Research Services - Offer a number of web-based resources for external research funding. Please note that some services are only accessible to current Oxford students.
Research Professional - Most of the opportunities are for postdoctoral researchers and staff, but around 20% are for research students.
Scholarship Search - Aimed primarily at UK graduates, but there is also some information for international students.
Study UK - A search facility for scholarships and other financial support.
UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA) - Provides advice about searching for funding.
Multiple Regions
Black Heart Foundation Scholarships provide partial funding opportunities for students in financial need.
Black Leaders in Cancer PhD Scholarship programme - Offers a fully funded 4 year DPhil studentship (non-clinical), aimed at students from Black heritage backgrounds persuing DPhil study in cancer-related fields. Standard CRUK DPhil funding rates including stipend, research and UK home tuition fees. Includes comprehensive programme of mentoring, career support, leadership training and networking led by the Windsor Fellowship and Black in Cancer.
Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds - Offers 2-3 year DPhil fellowships to undertake research in biomedicine, including a monthly stipend and support for participation in conferences.
British Federation of Women Graduates (BFWG) - Awards of between £1,000 and £6,000 for outstanding academic excellence to women doctoral students at British universities.
Chevening Scholarships - Offered in over 150 countries and generally for one year master's courses. They enable the potential leaders of tomorrow to develop strong links with the UK and with each other in a global network.
Colt Foundation Fellowships - Funding for 3 years to support high quality research projects in the field of occupational and environmental health at a UK institution.
Commonwealth Scholarship Commission - A number of scholarships for Commonwealth citizens to study in the UK.
Culham St Gabriel's Trust Masters Scholarship programme - Offers funding for teachers and others working in the field of religion and worldviews (RE) to take a relevant part-time Masters course.
Culham St Gabriel's Trust Doctoral Scholarship programme - Offers funding for teachers and others working in the field of Religion and Worldviews (RE) to undertake doctoral studies.
Ellison Scholarships - full funding for DPhil (PhD) study at the University of Oxford. Successful candidates’ doctoral research will centre on a specific ongoing project at the Ellison Institute of Technology (EIT). Selected scholars will collaborate with world-leading experts to solve real-world problems and address humanity’s biggest challenges through technology. They will work on projects in at least one of four areas of scientific and technological innovation (health and medical science; food security and sustainable agriculture; climate change and clean energy; and government innovation and era of artificial intelligence).
Scholarship awards cover all fees for the duration of studies (tuition fees, programming, living and travel costs), the equivalent of a paid internship and the possibility of future funding for projects. Candidates can apply for any DPhil course, with the application window for scholarships starting in 2025 open from August to September 2024.
All candidates should apply first to the scholarship programme through the EIT website. For more information, please visit the Ellison Scholars website.
Selected candidates will be invited to apply independently to the University of Oxford and further information on this separate application process to the University will be published on the Graduate Admissions website in September.
Numerix Women in Finance Scholarship - Award of $20,000 USD available to females of any nationality, studying Finance in a graduate-level programme.
Funds for Women Graduates (FFWG) - Offer grants for living expenses to female graduates in the final year of their DPhil study at a UK institution, and other awards such as emergency grants.
Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities - Support candidates with a disability who will be enrolled in a bachelor's, master's or DPhil course in a university in Europe and will be studying in computer science, computer engineering, informatics or a closely related technical field.
Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarships - Up to two years of master's study in a field related to development for applicants from a number of eligible developing countries.
JMK Women in Business Scholarships - Scholarships for women pursuing a business program with major field of specialisation in accounting, economics, finance, business management and other related areas at any university.
Linnean Society of London - Several awards and grants available in the study of biological sciences.
National Society of High School Scholars - Several academic scholarships and competitions annually to members (to join you must be a top academic achiever from high schools around the world).
Open Society Foundations - Offers grants, scholarships and fellowships throughout the year.
Rhodes Scholarship - A prestigious international scholarship programme, enabling outstanding young people from around the world to study at the University of Oxford.
Rotary Scholarship programme - Funds graduates to study overseas, students must be on a course that fits under one of Rotary’s six Areas of Focus: peace and conflict prevention/resolution; disease prevention and treatment; water and sanitation; maternal and child health; literacy and basic education; economic and community development.
Royal Geographical Society with IBG - Grants to support undergraduate, master's and research students undertaking geographical fieldwork projects.
Sir Richard Stapley Educational Trust - Grants of up to £1,250 for postgraduate students resident in the UK in any subject.
The Snowdon Trust Master's Scholarship - A small charity dedicated to supporting disabled students through masters programmes. Offers awards of up to £30,000.
Thouron Award - Two years of support for graduates of the University of Pennsylvania to pursue any graduate course in the UK. Four to six awards are usually available each year.
Vincent's Scholarships for Sport - Support for Oxford students from any country who, in addition to their academic capacity, are talented sportspeople.
Students from the UK and the rest of Europe
Aker Scholarships - Awards to Norwegian nationals or those who have been resident in Norway for several years, and who have applied for a Master’s of DPhil course.
Anglo-Danish Society Scholarships - Partial scholarships for postgraduate studies/research with no restrictions on subject. Open to individuals with a degree from a Danish university wishing to study in the UK.
Club Financiero Espanol Scholarships - Partial scholarships to Spanish nationals who have been offered a place to study for a Social Sciences degree at Oxford.
Director IB Henrik’s Fund - Supports individuals who have a bachelor's degree from a Danish university.
Fundación del Pino - Offers a number of scholarships to Spanish students for postgraduate study at international universities.
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) Scholarship - Sponsored by the Portuguese Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. It is available for Portuguese Nationals who are studying (fully or partially) in Portugal or abroad.
Henry Green Scholarship fund - Grants for students who are undertaking a full-time course at either Oxford, Cambridge or London University who live in Leyton or Leytonstone and are in need. Applicants must have attended one of the eligible schools in Leyton or Leytonstone.
Jansons Scholarships - Funding for Norwegian students to finance study abroad for up to one year.
Lånekassen - The Norwegian student loan and grant-awarding body which supports Norwegian students to study overseas.
Leverhulme Trade Charities Trust- grants for current students in financial need who have a parent or spouse or are employed themselves, as a commercial traveller, pharmacist or grocer.
Marius Jakulis Jason Foundation - Interested in supporting talented academics, entrepreneurs and students who want to contribute to the economic growth of Lithuania.
MoD Enhanced Learning Credits scheme - Financial support to members of the UK armed forces, once a certain level of service has been accumulated.
Onassis Foundation Scholarship - open to candidates with Greek citizenship and/or nationality, or to candidates who have graduated from a Greek university and hold a High School Diploma from Greece, regardless of their citizenship, provided that they have a legal residence permit in Greece. Candidates of Greek descent are also eligible to apply.
Sainsbury Management Fellowship - provides funding for UK nationals, currently living in the UK with a first degree in engineering, allied technology or science discipline to undertake a full time MBA at selected business schools.
Scholarship fund for Swiss-resident students - Swiss Friends of Oxford University (SFOU) has established a scholarship fund to support Swiss-resident students studying at Oxford University. SFOU offers a limited number of grants of CHF 250 – CHF 500 to eligible students.
St Matthias Trust - scholarships of £10,000 towards study/research that will contribute to the of work of the Church of England
The James Pantyfedwen Foundation - Provides grants of up to £5000 for postgraduate students from Wales.
Tuk-Tam is a Bulgarian NGO aiming to support young Bulgarians studying abroad by proving up to 10,000 BGN for a Masters.
Students from Africa
Beit Trust Scholarships - Offered each year for graduate studies or research to graduates who are domiciled in and nationals of Malawi, Zambia or Zimbabwe.
Commonwealth Scholarships via the Canon Collins Trust - Offers fully-funded scholarships for a Master's or PhD programme in the UK in six specific areas, including promoting global prosperity. Open to nationals or residents of Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique or Zambia.
Gordon Memorial College Trust Fund - Promotes educational development in South Sudan and Sudan. The Trust supports students studying for a graduate course in the UK, who intend to return to South Sudan or Sudan at the end of their studies.
Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation - Awards to Egyptian nationals residing in Egypt studying towards a Master's of DPhil and who intend to return to Egypt upon graduation.
Students from Asia
Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) - Scholarships for students from Singapore studying in the fields of biomedical sciences, and science and engineering, at selected universities overseas, including Oxford.
Bangkok Bank - Scholarships to Thai students pursuing a masters’ program.
Charles Wallace Trusts - For nationals of Bangladesh, Burma/Myanmar, India and Pakistan to assist them in obtaining education and professional development in the UK.
Daiwa Anglo–Japanese Foundation - Awards grants to individuals, institutions and organisations to promote links between the UK and Japan.
Great Britain–China Educational Trust - Awards of up to £3,500 for Chinese students studying in the UK. Grants are normally for DPhil students. Grants for UK students making research visits to China are also available.
J.N. Tata Endowment awards - Predominantly loan scholarships, however selected scholars may also qualify for a gift award. Applicants should be Indian nationals and graduates of a recognised Indian university.
Kwok Scholarships - Provide full funding for up to two exceptional students from Hong Kong and/or mainland China who intend to return to Hong Kong or China on completion of their studies to develop a career in public service for the benefit of the Hong Kong community and/or betterment of China. Scholarships available for both undergraduate and graduate studies in specific fields.
Lebanese International Finance Executives (LIFE) scholarships - Support for tuition fees to talented Lebanese students - or those of Lebanese descent - with financial needs, to pursue their academic aspirations in the field of finance, business, STEM, corporate law or liberal arts. Provides a unique combination of financial support and mentorship by a LIFE Senior Member.
Lee Kuan Yew Scholarships - Awarded to Singaporean citizens studying a postgraduate course to develop their potential as leaders in their field.
Narotam Sekhsaria Scholarships - Interest-free scholarship loans for Indian students below the age of 30 pursuing postgraduate studies.
Oxford and Cambridge Society of India Scholarships - Partial funding for undergraduate, second undergraduate and graduate students who are ordinarily resident in India, for study and research in any subject offered at the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.
Regeneration Center of Thailand - A scholarship of $1,000 USD to the winner of an essay contest. Undergraduate and graduate students of ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) descent are eligible to apply. The ASEAN member states include: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
Sakaguchi International Scholarship Foundation - A partial scholarship for Japanese DPhil students who aspire to work on the international stage in future.
Singapore Ministry of Defence - Several scholarships for Singaporean students who wish to enter the military upon graduation.
Singapore Public Service Commission - Number of scholarships to students who are Singaporean citizens who wish to enter different areas of public service upon graduation.
Tan Kah Kee Foundation - Postgraduate scholarships for Singaporean citizens pursuing a full-time PhD or Master's degrees.
Students from Australasia
Banking & Financial Services Law Association - Offering a scholarship to citizens and permanent residents of Australia & New Zealand studying post-graduate banking, financial services or insolvency law, or a related field of law.
General Sir John Monash Foundation - Scholarships for graduate study at a non-Australian university.
Governor Phillip Scholarship - Offers full funding towards postgraduate degrees at some of the world’s leading universities, including fees, accommodation and board.
Gowrie Scholarships - Managed by the Australian National University, open to Australian citizens who are graduates of an Australian university. Preference is given to past and present members of the Australian Armed Forces and their lineal descendants.
Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund - Open to Australian nationals who are ordinarily resident in Australia and who have not previously studied outside of Australia. Applicants must apply directly to the Oxford Australia Scholarship Committee and have already applied to Oxford University by the relevant deadline for their course.
The Oxford Australia Scholarship Fund also offers a number of separate awards in partnership with the Clarendon Fund. These joint scholarships cover course fees and provide a grant for living costs. Awards are made for the full duration of fee liability for the agreed course. Only applicants selected for a Clarendon Fund Scholarship will be considered for these partnership awards.
Roberta Sykes Scholarship - Provides financial assistance to Indigenous Australians undertaking postgraduate studies overseas.
University of Sydney Travelling Scholarships - Fund University of Sydney graduates to undertake study at overseas institutions.
Students from North America
Air Force Institute of Technology - Offers funding to US Air Force staff so that they are able to complete further education.
Becas MOB - Scholarships for Mexican students to study one-year master's courses in the UK.
Canadian Bureau for International Education - Scholarships for Canadian citizens and residents who wish to study abroad.
Canadian Centennial Scholarship Fund - Awards of £5,000 for Canadian currently enrolled in postgraduate programmes in the UK of at least two years duration.
CONACyT - Scholarships for Mexican students wishing to undertake graduate study abroad.
Fulbright Awards - Offered to US graduate students across a number of disciplines.
FUNED - Financial assistance for Mexican students to study full-time master's courses at top universities.
Law Foundation of British Columbia - Graduate fellowships of around $17,000 CAD on an annual basis to students pursuing full-time graduate studies in law or a law-related area. Applicants must either be a resident of British Columbia, a graduate of a British Columbia law school or a member of the British Columbia Bar.
Marshall Scholarships - Fully funded scholarships to finance Americans of high ability to study for a graduate degree in the UK. Up to 50 scholars are selected each year in any field of study.
Mexican Embassy - Publishes information on scholarships open to Mexican students, including funding offered by the Mexican Academy of Sciences and the Fund for Human Resources Development (Bank of Mexico).
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) - Offers a number of graduate scholarships and postdoctoral fellowships for tenure at universities outside Canada.
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) - Graduate scholarships for citizens and permanent residents of Canada who wish to undertake study in the field of humanities or social sciences.
The WL Mackenzie King Memorial Scholarships - Open to graduates of any Canadian university for full-time graduate studies in Canada or elsewhere, in any field.
Students from South America
Fundação Estudar - A non-profit organization that invests in the development of high-potential young people who will transform Brazil through work in various sectors. Estudar offers a variety of educational programs in three main areas: Inspiration, Leadership and Career.
Instituto Ling - Partial scholarships to Brazilians wishing to study for an MBA or MPA at a leading US or European institution. Grant levels vary.
US Department of Veterans Affairs funding
The University is currently able to process applications for US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) funding (also known as the GI Bill or Post 9/11 Bill) and can complete and submit certificates of enrolment to the VA.
The University can certify enrolment for most degree-bearing courses which are matriculated, i.e. you are a full member of the University. Please be aware that it can take a long time to receive VA funding so you should not rely on VA benefits to fund a course deposit, or fees and living expenses early on in your course.
Am I eligible?
Before you start, please read the Information for Students Wishing to Attend Foreign Schools on the VA’s website.
The VA’s eligibility requirements are different for foreign schools, compared with those in the US. In order to use your VA benefits at Oxford, you must meet the same basic eligibility requirements for studying in the US, and:
- be enrolled on an eligible, degree-bearing course
- undertake your studies in Oxford
Non-degree-bearing courses, such as undergraduate and graduate certificates and diplomas are not eligible. Courses involving online study or distance learning are also ineligible.
If you are unsure whether your course is eligible for VA benefits at Oxford, please get in touch with the US Loans team.
How to apply
Step 1 - In order to apply for VA funding at Oxford you must first make an application directly to the VA. Please visit the US Department of Veterans Affairs website and consult their information for foreign schools. We recommend that you use the VA’s GI Bill Comparison Tool to get an idea of the benefits you might be eligible for at Oxford.
Once you have applied, the VA will send you a Certificate of Eligibility.
Step 2 – Email the US loans team with a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility.
Step 3 - Complete our VA funding form to ensure we have the information we need to certify your enrolment to the VA.
Step 4 – If your course has not yet been approved by the VA, the University will submit a request to the VA on your behalf. You can check whether your course has been approved through the WEAMS Institution Search. Please be aware that it can take several months to receive a response to course approval requests. If your course is not yet approved, please complete the above steps as soon as possible to minimise delays to any funding you are eligible to receive.
Step 5 – Once you have enrolled on your course, the US loans team will certify your enrolment to the VA.
Step 6 – If you are eligible to receive a Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA), the VA requires that you verify your enrolment each month to confirm that you remain enrolled on the same course. Information on how to do this can be found on the Enrollment Verification page of the VA’s website.
How much will I receive?
The VA do not share their calculations with us so we cannot predict how much you will receive. You should be able to get a good idea by using the VA’s GI Bill Comparison Tool.
In addition, you should be aware that tuition benefits at foreign schools are capped at $28,937.09 per year (in 2024-25). Depending on your benefit entitlement and course fees, the VA will pay the University up to this capped amount. If your annual course fees exceed this amount, you will be responsible for paying the difference.
You may also be eligible to receive a Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA) and book stipend. The amount you will receive depends on your benefit entitlement and whether you are enrolled full time or part time. Most part time courses at Oxford are half time or less and therefore you will not usually be eligible to receive MHA if you are studying part time.
Receiving VA funding
If your course is already approved by the VA, the University generally expects to receive the funds around 4-5 weeks after certifying your enrolment. The funds will be paid to the University and transferred to the relevant college or department for the payment of fees. Any remainder will be remitted to you.
You may consider using other funding, such as a US federal or private education loan to cover the financial declaration and expenses early on in your course, and then use the VA funding to repay the loan when it arrives.
Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship
VA also offers the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship for students training in high demand STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) fields.
Recipients will receive up to nine months of additional Post-9/11 GI Bill entitlement or a maximum of $30,000. Eligible Post-9/11 GI Bill students must have either exhausted their entitlement or will exhaust their entitlement within 180 days.
For additional information, please visit the Rogers STEM Scholarship website.
Prior Credit Review Policy for US Department of Veterans Affairs Beneficiaries
The US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) requires schools to review prior credit, experience, and training, and grant credit as appropriate towards a VA student’s current programme. This policy applies to new students, students transferring from another institution to the University of Oxford, and current students transferring programmes within the University of Oxford.
Please contact the US loans team if you have any questions about the information given below.
Entry requirements
Admissions policies and procedures apply to new students. The links below provide an overview of the University of Oxford's general admissions policies and procedures:
In order to take up the offer of a place to study at Oxford, all applicants must meet the qualification requirements of their course. Students should check the course page for individual programme admission requirements. If your qualifications are not from the UK, please also refer to the information on international qualifications for undergraduates and international qualifications for graduate students for guidance on the grades and qualifications that are considered equivalent to the University’s minimum entry requirements.
Providing evidence of prior credit
Undergraduate applicants must provide details about their education as part of their UCAS application. Applicants must list all qualifications along with the grades that have already been achieved and any standardised test scores. Applicants also need to list any educational qualifications that they are currently working towards. Those applying for a second undergraduate degree will need to send a transcript from their first degree separately to the college that is considering their application. For full information, please refer to the undergraduate guide for applicants.
Graduate applicants should provide details of all qualifications and periods of study undertaken at university level, including qualifications that have not yet been completed, on the ‘Qualifications’ tab of the graduate application form. Non-UK qualifications do not need to be converted to UK degree classification, and an official statement of comparability from UK ENIC is not required. For each qualification entered, an official transcript should be uploaded. For full information, please refer to the graduate application guide.
Prior Credit Review Process
Undergraduate applications are assessed by academic tutors, usually from a college. Tutors make decisions based on all aspects of your application, including your interview, any admissions tests or written work required for your course, your prior academic attainment and predicted grades, your personal statement, the academic reference.
Graduate applications are academically assessed against the entry requirements for the course and relatively in terms of the quality of previous academic excellence and future potential in comparison with the applications received from other candidates for that course. The academic department that offers the course you apply to will assess the academic quality and suitability of your application. After this is complete, the department will send you formal notification of their decision by email.
Transfers and applying whilst studying at another University
Oxford University does not normally accept transfer students. If you wish to follow an undergraduate course or graduate taught course at Oxford, you would need to start the course from the beginning and follow the normal applications process for the course. The arrangements for student course transfers details the process by which a current student, either at Oxford or at another institution, moves from one course to another, or from one mode of study to another.
Students already in receipt of an undergraduate degree, and wishing to study a further undergraduate degree may apply for ‘senior status’ at Oxford, allowing them to be admitted directly to the Final Honour School for the degree. Students should follow the normal applications process for the course selecting Year 2 as their point of entry.
Postgraduate research (PGR) students will only be considered for transfer to Oxford from another institution as a result of their main supervisor relocating to Oxford to take up an academic position. Students wishing to transfer are required to complete a graduate application form. An application to Education Committee is also required to permit work undertaken and time spent at the previous institution to count towards the requirements for the relevant award (‘antedated admission’). Permission may also be requested from Education Committee to waive transfer of status requirements, if appropriate. All applications must have the support of the relevant department and of a college willing to take the student.
Written records of previous education
The University retains a written record of students’ previous qualifications and Oxford academic history within the student system in accordance with the Student Privacy Policy. Your rights under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018 are outlined on the University's Data protection page.
Any employment during study must adhere to the University's Paid work guidelines. Within these guidelines, the following may be possible:
- Teaching opportunities: departments and colleges are sometimes able to offer teaching work. Some departments have graduate teaching schemes in place; please contact your department or faculty for more information.
- Demonstrator opportunities: in the experimental sciences, demonstrators are sometimes required for practical classes.
- Research Assistantships: these roles are sometimes available in departments and faculties.
- Junior Deans: these positions involve providing pastoral care to other students and being on-call day and night several times a week. Junior Deans normally receive free college accommodation, free meals and a small stipend. These positions are normally advertised on college websites and the college vacancies section of the Conference of Colleges website.
Ad-hoc work can sometimes be found by advertising your skills locally as a tutor, translator or proof-reader. Part-time or seasonal work for the University and colleges may also be available, for example, invigilating examinations, administrative work or working in one of Oxford’s many libraries.
A good source of part-time and temporary vacancies in Oxford is the Career Service’s online resource, CareerConnect. There are also several local job websites that provide details of vacancies in Oxford.
Other possibilities
If you have recent work experience, it may be worth contacting one of your past or present employers to find out whether they would be able to offer you support. You could also consider approaching a potential employer of the future. Investigate companies or organisations working in your research area, particularly those with corporate social responsibility (CSR) aims and target them.
Think creatively and strategically about other bodies you may be able to proactively approach for funding. They might not necessarily advertise scholarships or bursaries, but could you make a convincing case for them to support you? Are there any foundations in your local or home community that would be willing to support you?
When approaching an employer or other potential funding body, make sure you consider:
- your initial approach, especially if the organisation does not appear to provide support for graduate students, needs to be concise, memorable and tailored to the needs and aims of the body you are contacting;
- taking the time to get a contact name in the organisation rather than sending a generic, open letter to the CEO;
- enclosing a short version of your research proposal or statement of purpose, remembering that you may need to make it more user-friendly for non-specialists;
- being specific - how much funding do you need? Could any of this come from in-kind support (equipment/use of research facilities/work experience etc), and what will you use the funds for?
In addition to the above, think about what you can offer a potential sponsor. Could you undertake some research for them, give them free publicity, give a lecture/presentation, write a report etc?