Books in the Old Bodleian library
(Image Credit: Photovibe / Oxford University Images)
Standard scholarship selection terms
The standard scholarship selection terms below apply unless otherwise indicated in the scholarship description on our webpages.
Unless otherwise stated, you will be considered automatically for these scholarships if:
- you are applying to start a new graduate course, noting that eligibility for scholarship schemes does not usually extend to PGDip and PGCert courses;
- you submit your course application by the relevant December or January admissions deadline;
- you are subsequently offered a place after consideration of applications received by the deadline;
- your application is not placed on a waiting list or held back after the December or January admissions deadline to be re-evaluated against applications received by the March admissions deadline; and
- you meet the eligibility criteria.
It is important to note that during the selection process:
- the eligibility criteria will be applied automatically, using the details you provide in the relevant sections of the graduate application form (for example, your country of ordinary residence and your previous education institutions), to determine whether you are eligible;
- selection is based on academic merit, unless specified otherwise;
- some of the scholarships are only tenable at specific colleges. Unless specified otherwise, you do not need to select that college as your preference on the graduate application form. All eligible applicants will be considered, regardless of which college (if any) you state as your preference. However, successful applicants will be transferred to the relevant college in order to take up the scholarship; and
- applicants who hold deferred offers to start in 2025-26 are not eligible to be considered for these scholarships.
Scholarship outcomes
Scholarship selection normally takes place between late February and June. If you have not heard from us by the dates indicated in the scholarship information, then please assume that you have been unsuccessful. Due to the volume of applications we receive, we are unable to contact unsuccessful applicants individually or provide feedback.